Patch Hat

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Patch Hat


Embroidered and Sewn on Khaki Comfort Colors hats

So recently we’ve made a lot of new friends in a lot of new places and they’ve asked what the “PV” stands for. I love the idea of keeping it an “Obscure” little secret that only the OG’s understand, but it’s not that deep and we’d rather be inclusive. So to anyone who’s just joining us, “PV” simply stands for “Post Virgin”. To explain the entire thing would take multiple run-on paragraphs which I already did in a blog post a couple years ago. I’ll try to keep this brief. Our song “Post-Virgin” was the first song I wrote back when the idea of this band was just a little seed in my mind. I was currently in a band where I felt my freedom was a bit restricted and one of the last straws was that my friend Dave came up with a great name for our LP and I loved it. “Post-Virgin” accurately described the umbrella caption of the story we were trying our best to tell. The name got shot down not only by band mates but by friends outside the band. In a lot of ways I felt stonewalled with my ideas in that band so when I wrote the first chords for my own personal project I decided to name the first song “Post-Virgin” and use it as a space to start telling my story starting at some memorable moment in time when I knew my innocence was all gone. Kite House. I still remember 17 at Kite House. Everything since then has just been a continuation of the same story that is my very very personal life. Hence “Post-Virgin”. 
We threw a Carhartt style patch on the front of the hat to go with the Union Patch Tee, and had the “RPPV” on the back embroidered. We threw the whole thing on a great-fitting Comfort Colors khaki hat and that’s the end of the story.


All Photography by Jordan Mizrahi (@madebymiz)

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