the point of this whole rich people thing is to explore awareness/self-awareness/consciousness. That’s it’s thats the whole thing. My life and vision is centered around spirituality. My basic concept of spirituality has nothing to do with organized religion or anything like it. It’s just simply about connection with myself and others.
Rich People’s whole thing has been built around an intention I wrote years before we were ever a band. “Nothing Original. Just personal arrangements of things seen and heard with the intention to provoke thought not people”.
”Nothing Original” is a good place to start because I wanted to remind myself right out of the gate that there was no point in trying to be unique or special or different because everything has always already been done and someone can always do it better than me. No matter what any of us defines as original in art or anything else it’s simply not true. We do however believe that the broader our base of influence the more likely we will be to achieve something that could be percieved as fresh and interesting, but we never get it twisted, there is “nothing original”.
”Just personal arrangements of things seen and heard” is pretty straight forward. If nothing we write is original then our aesthetic, imagery, and sound is just an eclectic arrangement of our life experience distilled into choice in media and choices in the way we organize and structure our music. The whole thing is intended to give a glance into the world thru our eyes. In this respect I’ve always been pleased with our ability to achieve this and we’re always really happy when people read between the lines and tell us what this all means to them and seeing how a lot of what people say lines up with what we intended to display.
Finally, “with the intention to provoke thought, not people” is also pretty simple but pretty loaded. I don’t believe in pushing my lifestyle or mentality on anyone, but I do believe that there are a lot of people out there influencing people and whether my mindset is “correct” or not I do believe that I’m a joyous person as a result of my beliefs and that I would love to be able to provoke someone into waking up to their full potential and recognizing the underlying same-ness in others. A professor I had at Camden County College use to say really controversial shit to make us think about stuff and when people got really upset with him he’d just say “hey I want to provoke thought, not people” and that always stuck with me. He and I share that we just want to show people another way that things could be viewed. Some fresh perspective on a stagnate topic.
Everybody has political opinions views and values and they’re all based on each individual’s experience in this world and relationship to themselves and other. Some people are blissfully unaware of all things beneath the surface level and some think they have everything figured out because we read some books and build up our “strong brains”. Bottom line to me is that we first acknowledge things on a knowledge/understanding level in our heads and then it can take a lot of time for those things to travel from that levels of acknowledgement on a mental level to the stage of internalization in our hearts or wherever you believe that is. We’ve been illustrating our personal journey from our heads to our hearts for three years now and it feels like we just broke even. We’ve written a new chapter that reflects this awakening and we will spend quiet time in a creative pool for the duration of April fine tuning the production to a place where we believe our vision can be properly articulated to you. The tools at our hands this time around are on a way new level and we couldn’t be more grateful to be able to sink into this project the way We are about to.
You’ve all told us how extensive our last EP felt and that was only really 5 songs with a whole lot of interludes. To show you this new chapter we doubled that and then some. We hope to give you a timeless piece that catches you quick and holds you for a long time so thats what we’re going to do. Thank you for always caring and if you want to help us get better financially prepared for this stuff please go over to our merch page and grab something from the last bit of our merch stock. You’ve already been ridiculously generous and we don’t take that shit for granted. Me, Ty, Blake, and Con have never made a dime off of this project and dump a lot of our personal time, money, and energy into it because we love doing it and we see it as part of our personal purpose in this life to entertain. Every dime we’ve gotten goes toward giving you a better experience next time so here we go. Special thanks to our friend Jenn Striker for helping us out financially with this recording too. Beautiful that anyone believes in anything enough to drive long distances to see 25 minutes of a band playing and then dig deep into personal finances to offer a monetary cushion for furthering that band. Thank you
I’ve been told many times that i come off mysterious. I think I’ve gotten better at shaking that vibe, but I do understand why that might be. When I was younger it was because I was legitimately a mystery at all times even to myself. I had an insane life and was basically off the grid and involved in drugs/crime and just general passed out and came to in many different places. I tell my stories to people now and they look at me in disbelief which is really nice because that obviously means I’ve grown enough to where people that didn’t know me then can’t even picture me like that.
Somehow the mysterious thing has lasted long into me being clean with the exception of very recently I really haven’t heard it much, but I’d like to debunk whatever amount of mystery that still persists. I don’t live a secret life or anything, but i do lead a double or even triple life and two parts of that are things that I’m not too publically loud about. On one hand yeah I’m very loud and transparent about the fact that I’m a recovering drug addict. I love making my posts about having seven years clean and all that and sharing some Hope here and there and blogging about the growth stuff of what it was and what it is now, but on the other hand i preserve the anonymity of the place where I recover and most of my activity with it, which happens to be the things that I spend most of my time doing. Im part of a program and I maintain that program in my life and have a lot of involvement with that program. I work with three homies from that program and we go to meetings after work a lot and try our best to help ourselves get better and help the next person trying to get clean to be able to stay long enough to get it. So that’s one panel or maybe two if you count work. Then another one is some service stuff I do outside of that program that’s just for me to feel like I participate in my community. It’s for me so I don’t talk about it much and it’s just a quiet thing. I go back and forth in my mind over whether it’s better to silently serve and try to be humble about it or if those things should be shared so that people have examples of things to do to feel better about their lives. One could argue either way but for now it’s just one of my things. The other thing is hanging with musicians. A lot of that stuff I don’t talk about much because I feel like it takes away from certain experiences. Like I watch musicians treat every single cool thing we do like an opportunity to promote ourselves and I know I’ve been getting a better attitude about the fact that looking cool is important and shit but just simply hangin and not having the goddamn phones out constantly is just important and I know that my closest friends and I share that value and I appreciate them for it too.
So the mystery is gone. I’m living the dream, you’re probably living the dream. Goodnight
Delicate Lines
A huge underlying concept that we’re constantly mindful of when writing our new album is trusting the listener to understand and comprehend things without a bunch of explanation. If we want to “trim the fat” with the music and especially the lyrics then there needs to be some trust in the listener to be able to fill in the space between the lines. I typically start out writing a part and have about two paragraphs worth of ideas to cram into two to four lines with 8-16 syllables per line. Less words hit harder and i just have to trust you to fill in the details for yourself.
Aside from the trust thing there’s also the delicate balance between artsy and bold with the overall picture we’re creating. Most artists like ourselves who have a diverse catalog of influences want to bring in a little bit of everything and just make one huge pile of everything we love about music. The problem with that is that it can be become too “artsy” or cumbersome and can actually work against the articulation of an idea. The process of layering up then trimming fat is tedious and sucks the life out of me a lot. It’s much like the lyrics where I want to say eighty thousand things but I only have a few short lines to say it in. So we shave off a layer here and shave some notes out of a guitar part there. Then we make the rhythm guitar less choppy and push it down in the mix to make it more subtle and bring a string/synth/pad more to the front to smooth out that middle section, and the bass tone is perfected to be the massive slab of body that holds it all up. More important than anything the drums. Less is always more with all of these layers, but especially the drums. Percussion is the most important part of any music and is the one thing that can make or break the BEST musical arrangements on earth. Not only does a drummer have to be the overall balanced and strong and subtle and dynamic and particular, but a lot of the “trimming the fat” stuff in this area makes the biggest differences on the overall sound. Simply put, less hits equals bigger sound. More hits equals more articulate but less size typically, though there are exceptions sometimes.
So it all just comes down to balancing boldness and articulation for us, and on this new album we’ve been working overtime to make sure we can create the picture we’ve always known we were capable of creating. This LP will be what we consider to be our first and is the recognition of our full potential. We’re excited about this and hope you are too.